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Album Info

Recorded & Produced byKirtan Fi Remastered
Mix TypeStereo
NotesExtremely honoured to present this absolute gem to you. This is a recording of Bhai Rama Singh Ji doing Amrit Vela Simran at Alice Way Gurdwara, UK, in year 2000. There is without a doubt something special about this recording and given time in listening I trust you will feel it too. This Simran Jaap was digitally converted from the original Mini Disk and then Kirtan Fi remastered, to present to you with the kindest blessings from the original gupt Singh who recorded it. Please join me in giving a massive thank you to them for their trust and wonderful desire to share this openly with you Sangat Ji. This album features the 57 minute unedited chonki followed by three varying tempo Simran loop tracks.

Listen in Hi-Res Lossless ⇩
- 24 bit / 96 kHz -

4K YouTube Video

