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Streaming Platform Links (Lossy) ⇩

This album is also available on other streaming platforms not linked below.
This album will NOT be freely downloadable. Please support the Keertani & Kirtan Fi by purchasing this album on iTunes, Amazon & etc.

Album Info

Recorded & produced by: Kirtan Fi

Mix Type: Stereo Expand

Notes: With thanks to Gurdwara Sri Guru Harkrishan Sahib Ji, Manchester for accommodating Kirtan Fi to record this smagam.

Fun Fact: As far as I’m aware, this is the world’s first full Raensbhai recordings to be published on all major streaming platforms!

Listen in Hi-Res Lossless ⇩
- 24 bit / 96 kHz -

4K YouTube Videos

There are 10 videos in total. Note these will be on a scheduled release. If links do not appear below immediately, the video is not yet live on the channel.

